Saturday, June 18, 2016

Eugenic Madness: A Different Kind of Tea Party

Touchy-feely fascism
NB: One should not necessarily conclude that all or most of the folks at Celestial Seasonings are eugenicists, although that may be the case. The discussion here is undertaken to illustrate the extent to which fascist and Nazi ideology has infiltrated the so-called New Age. In our opinion, the New Age, for the most part, is a synthesis of Nazi occultism and the intelligence community’s mind control programs.

Continuing discussion about the profound fascist influences in the so-called New Age, this program highlights strong links between people involved in launching Celestial Seasonings herbal teas and the Urantia Book. The latter is a voluminous New Age tract that maintains that human beings descended from fair-skinned, blue-eyed space aliens.

” . . . . But there might be another rea­son they named it ‘celes­tial.’ Mo Siegel and John Hay, two of the founders, were avid believ­ers in a new-age bible called The Uran­tia Book, which fol­low­ers call ‘an epochal rev­e­la­tion authored solely by celes­tial beings.’ The book touches upon every­thing from mind con­trol to a eugen­ics plot to elim­i­nate the ‘infe­rior races’ of our great nation. . . . The Uran­tia Book, a 4.3-pound, 2,097-page tome, pub­lished first in 1955, is a mod­i­fied Seventh-Day Adven­tist text sup­pos­edly com­mu­ni­cated to an anony­mous man in a trance by aliens. . . . “

The genesis of the book appears to lie with people associated with influential American elite players who subscribe to the eugenics philosophy. ” . . . . In real­ity, it was likely authored in the early 1900s by a psy­chi­a­trist named William Sadler who used it as a ves­sel for his racist ideas. . . .”

Asserting that humans evolved from the blue-eyed, fair-skinned, extraterrestrial Adam and Eve, the book manifests an outlook that is not only racist, but could clearly lead to genocidal policies.  (more...)



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