Thursday, February 4, 2016

Neofascist Nexus Unveiled: The Gender Ideological Charter of Diversity; Pact of Steel

(Luxembourg) They call it "Diversity Charter", which is obviously what it represents: the promotion of "diversity". "Diversity" is one of those "magic words" for a socio-political "reorganization". This includes especially the "diversity of sexual orientation". But some chief pastors surrender naively and bow to the dictates of gender ideologues.

The "Charte de la diversité" was first published in France in 2004 and goes back to an initiative of the Institut Montaigne. The Institute is a liberal think tank founded in 2000,  which is funded by many of the largest public and private companies in France.  Its origin in  France is linked directly  with the republican and secular, anti-monarchist and anti-Catholic official doctrine of 1905.

In Germany in 2006, although the historical conditions are quite different, has adopted and published it literally as a "Charta der Vielfalt"   directly from major companies such as Daimler, German Bank, Deutsche Telekom, and Deutsche BP. The whole thing was done with the support of the Federal Government.Chancellor Angela Merkel who appeared personally as patroness.

The official goal of the Charter reads: "to establish equal opportunities for employees." However, the companies are committed not only to the "equal opportunities", but operate as engines of socio-political changes. The Charter states that the "German economy" could develop  "globalization" and "demographic change"  only if it promotes and utilizes the "diversity" (diversity) of employees.  (more...)

The military/industrial history behind these fascist machinations:

The indestructable iron cross

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