Monday, March 3, 2014

The Rich Do Not Relinquish Children to Adoption

Looking into the Socio-Economic Status of Birthmothers and How Money Plays into Choice

I have had the phrase stuck in my head for some time, “The Rich Do Not Relinquish“, but wondered if that was something I made up or could be a reality of relinquishment.  It has occurred to me that this single statement might be more than a catchy one liner, but, rather, was an example that could be used to show that  the majority of women facing an unplanned pregnancy do not “choose” to relinquish at all.

As it has been said so long in the adoption truth community, many birthmothers attest that they did not want to make an adoption plan for their children. Proving that there is little or no choice in the process is much easier for moms during the Baby Scoop Era as the threats of forced adoption are well  documented now and accepted by many more in society. But still, we fight the adoption industry marketing messages that birthmothers “these days” face a different face of adoption. These mothers “choose” to “make an adoption plan” for their children because they “love the so much and want them to have a better life”; leading into the heroic sainthood of birthmotherness especially in terms of open adoptions.

Of course, the counterattack of reality is that the adoption industry does target pregnant women at risk and then leads them down the primrose path of adoption glory. Whether it is outright coercion, or the eroding of her rights, or the creation of the adoption storyline, or the lies and false promises of a truly open adoption, or birthmother gaslighting, or biased adoption counseling , or withholding of the needed information that is required to allow a mother to make an “informed choice”; in the end, a vast majority of moms I have known over the years do attest that “choice” is only a word thrown around most haphazardly and does not adequately define her relinquishment experience.   The word “choice” must mean that a mother has another option besides adoption.  (more...)

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